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The Elephant and the Blind Programmers + 4.6 SEM: 4+1 view into software architeture + Six Blind Men

4+1 view, displays the use-case view scenarios for a whole project, it is segmented in 4 counterparts: Logical View, Development View, Process View, and Physical View; with all this view it is possible to view the relations between each stage of the software development, and how it goes the requirements and data through each one of the process for developing software. Performing an analytical architecture. With this structure is possible to actually know what the software is doing.

The point of view determine the abstraction of what is observed, defines with certain knowledge what the observed is. The creation of simple models and techniques allows the comprehension of some topics to be easier, and manages to avoid misunderstanding and have a vast scope and complete vision of the whole entity.

In the programming criteria perception is an important key factor that creates interpretation by understanding what is observable. Without any resources to analyze the observed is impossible to get a common agreement for what is being solved. Interpretation lies into an individual role, the “collective interpretation” is performed by the tools that gets the idea requirements at a general level, with that is easy to manage comprehension from programmers and get a rapid involvement from other parties.

The individual comprehension is limited by the observer interpretation, but this interpretation is a key element for the conformation of the whole idea, the infinite combinations from a group of interpretations, is the puzzle that constructs the process of problem solving.

Observation is focused at some point, the repetitive action of observation from different angles generates a larger vision from what is observed, performing a deep analysis from what is recorded shows the complete scope. The integration of new ideas and opinions enrich the final product. Working with a group of people, has to have an agenda based on a model, an understandable agenda.



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