T here exist some principles that make a procedure easier to perform, with this resource, it is viable to create clean products. In programming, exist something called SOLID principles that ensure quality and good performance while developing code, this acronym SOLID are the 5 widely accepted principles: S - S ingle Responsibility Principle A class should have exactly one responsibility. O - O pen/Closed Principle A class or a function should be open for extension but closed for modification. L - L isvok Substitution Principle Keep the relationship between classes and functions. I – I nterface Segregation Principle Avoiding interfaces that overloads classes with responsibilities that this classes don’t actually need. D – D ependency Inversion Principle “ Depend upon abstractions not upon concretions.” By understanding each one of this SOLID Principles, we could manage to create good code, and by good code I mean cleaner code that is maint...